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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The importance of meditation and mental serenity

The importance of meditation and mental serenity

Meditation helps the sense of serenity and calm that helps us enjoy to the utmost every moment in our lives

When I felt the last time with inner peace and serenity of mind and love of the moment, all these things together? Maybe when you're sitting on the beach watching the sunset and feel calm and connect with nature, or maybe you're traveling by train, you see beautiful green fields window and hear the sound of the train machines, or maybe during prayer, you focus on the meaning of each word read quietly and is near from the Lord of the worlds.

In all these times, you in moments of reflection. These feelings may be scarce for a lot of us who are their speed, pressures and distractions, we can learn to sit back and enjoy every moment in our lives


Anyone can meditate. Just choose a quiet place and comfortable in your home, maybe you have a favorite chair or even a pillow on the ground where you can sit square legs, and select a specific time to meditate every day. Experts advise the time of Fajr or when your wakeful where you will be refreshed and your mind will be still free of any other things. You can meditate in the evening before sleep hours so it's a good way to purify yourself of all your passed through the day before you go to sleep.

What is meditation?

Meditation is to concentrate on one thing and can have anything, anything important to the person sober. The idea that when you focus on one thing, restless mind and relax. (This is the opposite of what most of us live to great ideas scattered outfits within our minds.) There are many ways to meditate. You can start with only three minutes a day and then gradually you can increase this time when you are ready to even up to half an hour a day. Here are some ways to try include:


Simple methods of meditation is to focus on the self. Most people breathe superficially, they take short breaths ' just does not give the body enough oxygen. Proper breathing means inhaling air into the abdomen where the abdominal stretch of this air, if great, snhda automatically and will not suffer from tension.

For this type of meditation, types that follow also, sit on a Chair or pillow and your back straight so this helps proper breathing. Close your eyes. Air breathing slowly and deeply to feel that your chest and your belly they extend to air, and then remove the breath and you feel the air leaving your body and chest. Keep going and you focus on your breathing. Keep it as long as you are comfortable. Breathing can be in itself a kind of meditation or it may be a way to relax by doing one of the following methods of meditation.

Scenes from nature

When you look at the horizon and reflect, sihda your mind because of its focus on this one scene. You can also reflect on any scene where, especially elements of nature such as a rose or a plant. Sit where you sttaml, relax with breathing exercises, all your attention then focused on what you have chosen.

A specific word

You can also focus on a particular word and are repeated throughout the period of meditation. Sit in your place of choice, focus on your breathing to relax, and then start saying the word you have chosen. You can choose any word has profound meaning you have, can you say for example "God"

Fantasy creator

Using all the senses in this kind of meditation. Close your eyes and start breathing deeply to relax, and then imagine you have a favorite place in nature such as the beautiful garden or beach for example. See, feel, and hear where all details like sand under your feet, the sound of the waves, ...Etc. There is no specific way to this type of meditation. Some might see a specific image in mind, while some may feel the sensations that they feel they are in this place. "the idea is that by focusing the mind on a quiet scene, you will feel comfortable and relaxed. Doesn't have to imagine the same place in each reflection. You may choose every time differently. Dina says: "was your imagination unleashed.

How meditation can affect your life

Whatever method of meditation, often you'll disperse you ideas in mind. Leave with ideas in mind but don't stand then, gently promises again to meditation. Once you are logged on status of meditation, relax your mind, and unfolds, and be ready to accept anything. For this reason, people who practice meditation may find creative ideas come to mind suddenly, or even solutions to problems.

Meditation is not a solution to all your problems, but whenever I went in practice, will be a gradual change. For example, may become quieter, more a feeling of comfort, more capable of dealing with people, or simply enjoy the moment more. That's when you think regularly, will this feeling to your everyday life.

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