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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Violence call between depths of self and ambushes.

Violence call between depths of self and ambushes.

* We often hear the word violence turning us from time to time, the more that comes to our mind is physical violence (physical), and banish or sometimes we be separate verbal or psychological violence in schools, reduce its importance compared to physical violence, which is a less harmful than verbal and psychological violence that may not exceed the time it occurs either verbal, stays in the depths of self and self reported ambushes from time to time.
You stupid ... Failed ... What understanding ... Study on retarded colleagues.. Your brother the best from you ... Not you, ... Words feel free in our homes, our schools, and from the year closest to the child whose parents or teachers him representing models and profile affecting the child's life.

But if you ask us about the educational impact of violence on our word and our children in our schools, our homes, the magnitude of the impact?
Prof./Ahmed Mahdi Mustafa psychology professor at King Saud University, warns teachers tossed their students verbal abusive terms, indicating that repeated verbal violence affects children's physical growth and socially and scientifically and on all aspects of growth in his character.
And Professor Dr. Mahdi: the frequent verbal violence shows signs of emotional turmoil on student child having contracted with bedwetting, deteriorating education and anxiety, depression and aggression. He stressed that the impact of the insults more abuse and devastating than physical violence "beaten", pointing out that the student had forgotten mother beaten after minutes but it difficult to forget the verbal abuse which left him badly "verbal violence, therefore, is one of the most violent threat to the mental health of the child".
The effects of verbal violence in student severely and multiple other than the above, the verbal violence also contributing in low self-esteem and lack of self confidence and gaining self destruction and aggressive behaviour to hit other mates.
During the verbal violence not be screaming students and threatening but may be ridicule to his colleagues, he is not in the chapter or blame, or launch titles and names or using vulgar language against him.
He called Professor/Ahmed Mahdi educators use positive reinforcement with their pupils, he generates a transitional situations and usually makes the student feel the situation with high satisfaction, happiness and increased confidence.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ashraf Abdo Assistant psychology professor, head of unit, guidance and counseling in teachers college in Riyadh, that these behaviors of verbal violence of education professionals in the field of education and educational have negative effects in the construction of the student, the student's feeling of frustration due to the extreme psychological detected that behavioral unbalanced equation is no viable balance in these behaviors only silence for fear of deprivation of activities and work of the year, call the guardian, adding that All this makes the student feel injustice and kubota for this uneven conflict what Intuit with school refusal and receive information and are the beginnings of depression and the first step in the degradation of the student's achievement level.
Dr. Ashraf verbal violence casts shadow on student's personality when he grows up, and will be United to this aggression and discharged on others using "behavioral autism with the aggressor" and this image found in the family upbringing of the child whose father always cries at home found the representation role later in the play, but in the presence of his father, the primary source of violence it become fear social (Social Phobia).
In other cases students suffer from BackBeat frustrations resulting from the aggressive verbal behavior from a teacher or education to activate this frustration abroad rather than attached to it (i.e. student), these days in a wave of violent behaviour by either verbal or violence (physical).
Dr. Ashraf provided advice for educators saying: don't they frighten your students shouting and insults and endure them, noting that the best educational punishment methods of scientific viewpoint is emotional student educational deprivation, indicating that the educational process should be built on love.
At the time that if the teacher making love with his disciples of the first class since the start of the school year and keep the love he has succeeded, it is enough if a student makes a mistake or neglect his duties to consider his teacher stating that look not happy, most types of educational punishment based on educational and love is a method used by God Almighty on the day of resurrection to who ignored their duties in worship (God does not speak to them and not seen).
As believers of paradise of higher grades, have the grace to face cream and enjoy Nora, this educational method in punishment each teacher should use Maher and top of the personality and educational abilities "using body language to deliver punishment in a dissatisfaction with the performance of student behaviour".

As a culture of violence, Dr. Hasan Madani believes: that a distinction must be made between a Word and the other, a word of dialogue and violence, violence in the original is banging his violent practice results in different forms of violence does not occur by itself, but rather arise as a result of a glorified violence and the glorification of violence does not mean that the owners say they speak with violence or advocate its practice.
But because this letter carries the idea of exclusion, exclusion of the other, on the basis of illusion which is reflected in the form convinced have absolute truth, College, such conviction assumed result that the opinions of others, or other outside opinions or against truth, and it also completely excluded.
This side of it, the second aspect that within what we call the circle of dialogue or debate or discussion can distinguish between the two languages, even within a single row, the language of dialogue and envisage goal, another language

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