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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to get rid of compelling ideas?

How to get rid of compelling ideas?

Many people suffer from some compelling ideas that dominate their minds and make them unable to get rid of them. And such ideas, it's annoying and some repeated several times, so could cripple the movement of one's thinking, and steals the convenience and his spiritual machine. See how to get rid of such ideas?

To answer this question you should know that the ideas that are the profile, said OM Times Magazine site, you are simply thoughts in your mind, all the ideas you have in the past affect many aspects of your life today. Anything you can think of today will play an important role in shaping your future tomorrow.

If your thoughts control you stubbornly, just allow yourself to believe that it is impossible to get rid of those thoughts, so that your beliefs are more important in the process of getting rid of unwanted thoughts. At the moment of moments you may hear to you tells you bad internally, and can not be changed, but if you're in your will you can turn off the sound by reminding yourself out loud that God created good and evil, and we as humans are not demons and angels, so that we can make mistakes, but you should get back the error as soon as we can.
And no matter how many and the power of images and appeals emerging from your mind, it doesn't have to make you recognize that your thoughts are not subject to change, you should make sure that you only remove through your strength of mind and spirituality that must be locked in your abilities and that you intend to change. All you have to do to remain conscious of thoughts in your mind and try to think in reverse.
In addition to the above you should work to distract your mind away from disturbing thoughts that you insisted. A number of the most important ways that will help you succeed in preventing unwanted ideas and distracting the mind away from them:

-Do some physical exercises and focus on breathing.
-Exercise morning and night breathing exercises or if you have time during the day that your stomach is full.
-Sport meditation daily or at least spend a little time with yourself, and you can in this time echoing some of the logos you like and that is motivating you had reiterated "everything will be fine."
-Develop self-love you have without this love so selfish, try only to feel your potential and things that you think it is difficult or impossible to happen, but you have achieved already through your will and put you down.
-Caring for the child in you by spending time in an innocent activities your kids involved had their toys or something like that.
-Daily work kiber was offered someone assistance needed, please the people of most things you can feel satisfied with yourself.
-Search yourself for the strongest negative thoughts that control your mind and try to reflect. For example, if you feel you pressing ideas on show cons someone and show the appearance of the villain then reverse thinking and try to show his concern, not only to give you calm and psychological comfort, but can change the negativity, that were already present, so that your success this will make you more confident in the capabilities.
-Get frequent smile, smile magic effect on the person and those around him, you should not be ignored.
Along with these simple tips and you can perform on a daily basis, you can tell your mind that recurrence of such ideas is no longer something worth repeating, it is just an experiment and ended with the pros, and cons, and your spirit is now ready for another experience alternately give it more experience that will be your weapon in this life. When you do this, you will find your mind has persuaded gradually you are able to change, so will fall all negative thoughts and pressing automatically.

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