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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thirty-second base Have you heard of that rule before!?

Thirty-second base

-Have you heard of that rule before!?

... It's simply about our assessment of the others (and the idea of them) during the first 30 seconds of our them. Worse that 90% of our permanent and fixed them up later on the basis of this brief encounter. For example, entered, how many times you man good body suggests its important and high status to the degree the effects in your own feelings of appreciation and respect. But after (the first 30 seconds) I discovered that human being naive and simple-or perhaps fiddling and blank-no picture I have painted him since the beginning, I said yourself that "Abu haneefah to extend his feet" ...!!

Of course if you think (the first 30 seconds) is true, dont blame you and not f, but if missed will you think and have to remain crystallized forever and this ethical dilemma should not get involved in the future ...

It is not logical-or even possible-to identify from first encounter whether noble or malignant our companion, confident or hesitant, strong determination or a flip ... And while going to the event is the first impression is powerful and entrenched even inspired the following encounters something opposite ... The one about the idea that, for example, then we saw him funky position proof to the contrary that such prosecution will blur the facts, and that we take the idea that hard-working or have seen him conduct regular and proof to the contrary we have excuses and say "poor working conditions are tough"!! "

But the truth is that the same method of valuation is wrong and prove that we have the fossilized minds regarding our views on others. Worse, it's the nature of automatic and human protoplasm is difficult to change them-or moved into the subconscious-unless we be brought up or clearly aware.

This fact confirms a study by Purdue University (on the effect of a person on the Tribunal) established that the witness is suggesting to jurors with respect and credibility while suggests simple witness of lying and exaggeration. In a complementary search see 96 volunteers recordings of people testifying (false, true) then asked them to give their opinion as they have heard. After sorting the results proved that the volunteers tended to support the well-groomed attractive features holders regardless of the validity of the information it!!

... Also there is a study by psychologist Michael ghaltr (Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina) which found that people make quick judgments and uninformed depending on external features of others; for example, baldness suggests intelligence and vaccine Czar. And beard make the owners more eminent and strict, permanent smile, relaxing effect and removes all negative thought-while large eyes suggest the integrity and good heart!

... Anyway ...

Although as that first impressions are not all wrong or incorrect (the fact that some product expertise and experience) I only call for transfer of automatic synchronization and unconsciousness into consciousness and neutral monetary ...

And rather than shape our views on others during the first 30 seconds (do take ourselves) and no longer put off for 30 days from the real deal and hard

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