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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Menopause in men .... And compensatory baltstostiron therapy?

Menopause in men .... And compensatory baltstostiron therapy?

Hormone boosts the sense of self-worth and improve sexual desire
Scientific and medical studies prove beyond a doubt that testosterone levels testosterone begins to decline gradually at a rate of 1% to 2% annually from the age of the thirties. With advancing age the testosterone levels may fall below normal testosterone deficiency symptoms updated, which may resemble the feminine hormone deficiency in women who accompanied by menopausal symptoms of Menopause menstruation, prompting some to label the lack of testosterone, symptoms of menopause in men Andropause.
The problem of lack of testosterone in men occurs gradually and not suddenly as in women and the development of symptoms is not notable, even if it often returned by the patient or even a processor often to age the testosterone, the male hormone, is a very important hormone for men produced from testis and is responsible for the development and growth of genitals such as penis, prostate, testicles) when fetal male configuration in the womb). In puberty and adulthood is responsible for sperm production and evolution of tags and masculinities.

Low testosterone and health risks in the study conducted in the United States and published in the journal clinical practice in July 2006 entitled "AIDS testosterone in men, low levels of testosterone has widespread among men after age 45. It was found that low levels of testosterone for normal on average to 38.7 per cent of men over the age of 45 who visit primary care clinics. This study also confirmed what several other studies brought him from a strong relationship between low testosterone levels, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure and blood fat disorder.

Also there are many published reports and studies that confirm the existence of the close link between the decline in hormone and those diseases in addition to its role in the so-called metabolic syndrome.

The most recent studies published in this area, in August 2006, a study by Professor zitsman and his associates in Germany (although this study did not provide a definitive level of testosterone at which symptoms appear) demonstrated that the physical symptoms and metabolic symptoms accumulate lower testosterone levels.

Finally published in February 2007 study entitled «male hormones in diabetic patients» also confirmed that the lower male hormones associated with diabetes regardless of obesity and may be factors leading to diabetes.

Testosterone treatment, compensatory

But the extent to which Testosterone therapy diabetes long-term compensatory and the progression of the disease is still in need of more studies for longer periods, the goal of treatment is to replace the shortage and maintain testosterone in physiological levels throughout the day and without swing in order to raise the symptoms that may be a result of the shortfall, and that such compensation is secure and easy to use.

And in many other studies of testosterone has proved its effectiveness in improving the quality of life of the patient and relieve symptoms caused by the shortage. Such as improved mood and sense of self-worth, improve libido and alunfowan trading co., erections, increase muscle mass and muscle strength, increased bone strength, reduce fat around your waist.

Breakthrough in treatment there are many compensatory restorative products such as the use of testosterone through the skin or injection or tablets.

In this regard I have appeared in a topical treatment «bulk» saves special bags containing specific dose of hormone, as this hormone is absorbed through the skin and compensate for the lack of hormone and menopause symptoms in men, but very sensitive cases have emerged of some of these drugs. It featured some drugs that can be taken up by muscle injection where the patient takes doses every two weeks.

It also featured a hormone injection (Nebido nbeido) effect and the effect nearly three months and represents a breakthrough in remedial treatment for hormone deficiency because it relaxes the patient's hormone level is kept constant for a long time. Shortly after treatment improve libido when patient satisfactorily, and increases erection strength, rate of sexual consent, as is the patient's mental capacity and improved mental state. There are also other positive aspects of treatment, reduces body fat, pool and strengthens bones and prevents corrosion, particularly with advancing age.

Treatment recommendations

Patients are eligible to receive compensatory testosterone? What are the recommendations?
When the patient complains of symptoms and the diagnosis is confirmed by a simple analysis to measure the level of testosterone in the blood, are compensatory baltstostiron treatment.

There are some caveats in some cases use as prostate cancer or breast cancer or blockage of the urethra due to benign inflation in the prostate or severe heart failure patients or increase the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood. So it is recommended that you not use before consult physician for necessary examination and to exclude risks and assess the treatment needed, so that age itself is not considered wrong.

And the testosterone treatment patients attending remedial maintenance periodic inspection and ensure prostate health, you should also monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood where testosterone to relatively high in some patients.

Is Testosterone replacement for erectile disorder medication or complementary to modern? Testosterone can lead to an improvement in erectile dysfunction if testosterone deficiency a factor in erectile dysfunction. Several studies have shown that testosterone can improve erectile dysfunction in some patients who have not responded to medications for erectile dysfunction, provided they have low testosterone level <

There is a recommendation on the need for the attention of men's health in General and free of all diseases that prevent it from exercising his natural result of hypogonadism due to the low level of testosterone under the natural physiological levels (350 NanoGram/DL), and the need to ensure the necessary treatment that restores low levels of testosterone in men to natural levels helping men overcome their suffering in an important phase of his life.

The hypogonadism a negative impact to many social aspects in men, the most important therapeutic developments in the medical arena is to low levels of testosterone in men to natural levels through effective injections are injected every 3 months which was adopted by the world health ministries and scientifically known as nbeido long-term treatment that avoids the peaks and dips but physiological rates of testosterone in the bloodstream. It usually is note hypogonadism in a common acute and chronic diseases in men, hypogonadism, that this is only the basic components foreseen for metabolic syndrome, which includes a number of interrelated factors, including blood fat disorder, obesity, and other related situations such as erectile dysfunction, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and circulatory system.

That injection therapy to low levels of testosterone to normal level protects men from symptoms of old age and metabolism.

Tips before sex!
1. know my brother first sex great grace of God and the most beautiful physical pleasures at all felt by human beings and they basically love and mercy and if affection, compassion and passion essential, bestial will more than actually resemble the animals if not less because animals instinctively by as an act necessary for reproduction and continuation of type welatvalh just for fun but upscale sober when human exercise this under sound associated with married life the word of God the sex here is so many meanings Fantastic lead to unite two people (halfs) into one body and integrate their feelings in a pretty fun removes much of the sediment problems in married life, and give unmatched fun in every earthly power given physical help to move forward together in a happy and stable life and form a family nucleus in wonderful society. ... and other meanings more than prepare but live this on felt and more.

2. I also know that sex between the couple should consider a heavy duty or something to be done with a specific shape or look to it as proof of virility sometimes, try to review the power or the tuna from some couples, bragged between men on the cafe in lies and illusions but essentially a convergence between the couple maaroaha and a legitimate way to discharge sexual energy waavav wife waavav husband so well complement each other and be unloading their instincts and energies under Halal and family and no! not be there just to think In a command outside the family and marriage.

Alathaol it is important to engage in intercourse and you are fatigued physically because intercourse originally very large energy needs, enough to know that the blood pressure in the arteries of the common man about 120/80 mm Hg and by practicing normal life know that pressure up inside penis erectus fully erection to 180 ml mercury and maybe more!! The small Member in the body when pressure reaches about double or a bit of whole body pressure that consumes energy Arabian Jasmine travel to have sex and you are a deadbeat travel or when you return from work very tired or otherwise to that then you won't find your erection or satisfy your wife better considering a delay of possibly several hours to rest better than engaging in exercise will be good perhaps bad psychological effects you negatively later On subsequent intercourse if you do not understand what happened had to happen.
4. it is also important to not indulge in intercourse after eating creamy directly because the fat-eating or fill the stomach with food leads to attract large amounts of blood to the gut for digestion and intercourse and an erection of the penis adequate blood who needed to make an excellent erection it best here either sex before eating or two hours or more and avoid stomach filled with food that there was intent to have intercourse.

5. it is also important to not be dipped in intercourse and you suffer from anxiety or tension myself or thought of something because it is known that thinking and erection go together as they never like the balance whenever other lifted and were tipped that they outweigh both the reflection or fill for the mind that all thinking and thus reduce tilt erection and so to have sex and you have a good erection you have to take off your mind and intention here let just any thought just as she take off your clothes.
 6 - I know that life is never the same pace will not be so, as well as sexual desire, as well as your performance in bed and your wife, and what I was doing in the first marriage for Atks him and trying to make it the basis for your life and say what happened to me I do such and such because age is something impressive undoubtedly well as Taudkyour wife, accustomed you bringing a stir both of you for another harder than ever before therefore advised to change always to overcome this problem and change here in everything in the conditions of sexual intercourse and decorate a wife as well as Tzenk you too, understanding and frank discourse to the requirements of each of you and try rapprochement and compromise each party a little for convergenceand satisfy his partner and perhaps in the form of the bedroom and underwear and other possibly way provoke each party so to speak and act .... If, once or times you find that practice and erection and may respond wife was not satisfactory and that intercourse was all is fun and this is contained happening and we have to happenin married life extended Flaajb that make you think about it that worry because your anxiety that is abnormal is that possible that harm you if deposition inside you doubt your abilities and will Saatha in problems and negative effects on erection is originally due to misconceptions and ignorance sex proper.
7. know that practising the secret habit before marriage does not have the effect of organic erectile dysfunction later flathaol the interpretation of any emergency or accidental encounter problem in your marital status during intercourse by wrong interpretations and scold damiroczelk there are many misconceptions deposited within oneself and the subconscious negatively affect erections once her eruption to the surface like minded not
Trust the natural abilities that God has given you and compare propaganda read here or there for penis size and length of the practice and the coffees and other talk and here such ideas and sediments to damage and poor sexual and perhaps the entire deficit with time and proper penis completely organically but mind is responsible.

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