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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The world is heading into a new ice age

The world is heading into a new ice age

Scientific report said that the world is in fact a way to a new ice age, not to high temperature rise, as fears of a number of scientists, the report said drought faced by parts of the globe and destructive storms in other parts due to the increased activity of the polar winds that converted the movement of moist winds causing rain.
The report said that other than the annual increase in temperature on Earth, the most comprehensive survey of the history of heat on the planet shows that weather is moving towards greater coolness and irreversible steps.
The report noted the presence of many outweighs the evidence, including the waters surrounding the island of Iceland has seen in recent years an ice thickness was known in its history, the Midwestern areas, witnessing a wave of mass migration of animals such as the armored armadila known as her love for the warm atmosphere, owing to declining heat birthplace.
And report to review the entire path of the warming during the past 50 years shows that heat fell at least 2.7 degrees, while a weather research, George kokola, researcher at the University of Colombia, to be the ice sheet increased by 12 per cent in 1971.
The report explains the causes of drought in some countries of the world, it is one of the phenomena of heat down, expanding the so-called drought hour by the growing power of the polar winds that blow from West to East.
These winds tropical and tropical winds blocking saturated water and moisture, which increases the size of the drought include hour desert island Arabic and African Sahara for the entire Middle East and large parts of India and Africa, and produced devastating snow storms equivalent in Europe and the United States.
Scientists are trying to link what's going turn solar explosions, whether temporary or long-lasting phenomenon, because the change in the amount of sunlight the hyphen to surface great changes can occur, where scientists estimate that no more than one per cent of the sunlight could push the world into ice age by a few centuries.
For his part, warned Kenneth Herr, former President of the Royal Society to weather scientists, food disasters access if extreme weather events over the next few years in grain-exporting countries, Australia, Canada and the United States.
And explains the Hare, saying: I don't think that we can maintain the current number of inhabitants of the Earth if we climate crises for three consecutive years, as a crisis of 1972.
The globe suffered by 700 thousand years ago to more than seven cycles of ice, tides inundated with snow most of the planet
To look at the planet Mercury my brother Karim will find that the closest planets to the Sun, though the corresponding part of the Sun the temperature applied beyond Inferno 470 ° c and the other part 170 sub-zero believes that the glare of the Sun on the planet near cannot reach behind the planet, but this shows we are facing forces of warm and cold energy energy window across the stellar atmosphere of the solar system
As well as the planet Mercury has no electromagnetic casing around it for the simple reason that the planet is not about itself very quickly so it doesn't configure blocking of solar wave swims around the Sun it is not its electromagnetic
And that we apply this is to be expected when the Antichrist appears when staying on Earth for 40 days in a year and a day, month, and day of the week and the rest of his days as our days at the rate of one year and two months and two weeks
This indicates a disaster will lead to the slow movement of the Earth on its axis in a way that makes the Sun exhibition size applied as a result of the heat of the Sun and the other part with great response and there will be areas of moderation in the Middle certainly as a result of the slow movement of the earth around its axis, there will be new laws to land in terms of movement in heaven or Earth based on this there is no doubt that these accounts will have ratified the land of awesome disasters as a result of temperature anomaly
It is moving quickly to these events we are neglectful
God and know

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