How to deal with harassment on Egyptian film
Haaretz newspaper reported that Israeli women's formation is currently patrolling the southern Tel Aviv to protect women from rape and sexual harassment by the Egyptian film 678 which addressed the issue of sexual harassment on the streets and public places.
It added: "the ladies wear the yellow robe and armed with gas fil late at night they walk the streets in southern Tel Aviv as women's patrol to protect women from the risk of rape.
The paper said the gang yellow currently configured ten women working out of the concept of "people's police", giving them more confidence when they pronounce the patrols since midnight and continues until daybreak.
The newspaper reported the story of the student "tippy" by Merritt, a 28-year-old studying culture, which said about joining the gang, "it all started when I sat one night with my roommate in a café, at last, I thought, while leaving I saw a man peeping at us, and when I walked in the road followed me and was nice and not charged minutes for me, and I felt the futility of the police and that the solution is clinging to the pepper gas canister inside the Pocket, this example is known to every lady Going on the streets of South Tel Aviv "
The student said: "when I spoke with my girlfriend, we realized that we all live the same feelings of fear and that the Lady in the streets South of Tel Aviv, day or night is dangerous after police failed to give women a sense of security and safety," adding that the bandits have taken the form of "pink" women working in India as a successful model worthy of adoption, especially the southern Tel Aviv does not differ from the position of women in India.
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