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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Phosphorus is important for the growth and building bone and sexual tonic

Phosphorus is important for the growth and building bone and sexual tonic

Phosphorus is one of the most important minerals for the human body, it works with calcium and magnesium to build bone and plays an important role in many of the chemical reactions in the body that lead to cell division and reproduction, also plays a role in strengthening the sexuality.

Recommended quantity:

For adults: 700 mg/day


Necessary for building bones and teeth

Part of DNA and RNA, so it helps growth

A component of cell membranes

Is necessary for the metabolism of energy production

Activates enzymes and some vitamin b

Sexual tonic

Because phosphorus combines with nitrogen and fatty acid walglisirol of the so-called fat phospholipids, substances found in all cells of the body, and the most important and most common type is called: lecithin and this article plays an important role in strengthening the sexuality, stimulates and increases (lecithin) from the production of sex hormones, and maintain the integrity of the nerves, and increases mental activity, and helps the passage of substances through the cell wall, and some studies have shown that low level of lecithin is associated with an ED.

And glance to the positive effect of phosphorus on sexuality, it is common to many sexual stimulant medications that are used in Western countries. In China, there is a famous bird's nest soup called: the newlyweds on their wedding night and honeymoon and who complain of sexual dysfunction, this meal very rich balvosforhaith mainly composed of fish and seaweed. And it increases the desire, strengthen erections!

Available (lecithin) in the following foods: egg yolk, liver, vegetable butter percent overall-chocolate.

Food: msadralvosfor

Often the human need of phosphorus deficiency and low probability for all plant and animal cells contain phosphorus, one of the most important seizure of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, whole grains, nuts, soy and sunflower seeds.

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