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Friday, February 1, 2013

Reverence and its relationship to brain waves launched by

Reverence and its relationship to brain waves launched by
Scientists have found that the human brain constantly issued electromagnetic frequencies, but the value of the frequencies changed by human activity. In the case of alert and activity and work and focus called waves called "beta" They vibrations ranging frequency of 15 to 40 vibrations per second (Hz), in the case of relaxation and meditation normal called brain waves "alpha" and ranges reluctance from 9 to 14 vibrations per second, while in the If sleep and dreams and deep meditation works as brain waves "theta," one of the 5-8 Hz, and finally in cases of deep dreamless sleep brain waves called "Delta" and valued at less than 4 Hz.
We can conclude that human whenever he was in awe the waves become less vibration, and this relieves the brain and strengthens and helps to fix the bug that afflicted due to illness or psychiatric disorder, for example, so some researchers believe that the feeling strain the brain and thus shortens life, while meditation relaxes the brain and long Age!
The most important waves emitted by the brain are those waves with low frequency, which is considered the most healing of the body because of its effect on the body's cells and the immune system, and therefore the meditation and other words "reverence" is an effective way to generate these waves, which have a positive impact on the brain cells and re-programmed and correct the imbalance in the work program of the brain, that the practice of reverence regarded as create, organize and strengthen the functioning of the brain.

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