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Friday, February 8, 2013

Sleep puzzle still baffles scientists

Sleep puzzle still baffles scientists
Is a basic fact of human life and humanity, but researchers do not know for sure essential reasons for sleep.Range theories: it may take the body repair tissue damage consuming. When we go to sleep. Perhaps you charge the same as sleep allows the brain the opportunity to incorporate important facts, memories and emotional impressions recorded in the previous dayPerhaps the answer is all the previous stuff. But researchers are increasingly focused on the role sleep plays in establishing and supporting the memories.
It seems that recent studies have followed the process of integrating memories through his work, and pointed out that neural nightlife richer than was previously known.
The sleeping brain is not to determine what the important facts of the frivolous, as indicated studies, but restores social interaction and shadows experiences with emotional colors to become more inclusive.
Therefore disrupt normal sleep can be very stressful.

And 50 million Americans suffer from some sleep problems, from insomnia to some rare problems such as friction teeth during sleep, restless leg syndrome is comfortable any people who move their legs frequently during sleep.

Among all these cases is the case of obstruction sleep is most caused the problems: during sleep, narrowing of the trachea to the point that a person wakes up, a shaking and breathing heavily.
Each block of the sleep process eliminate «nurse quiet nature on the words of Shakespeare. Not surprise anyone who has suffered from sleep problems for a week or more when he hears that sleep problems associated with physical problems. Such as blood pressure and emotional troubles, especially depression. And those who do not sleep for long periods can be subjected to psychological problems, to the point of hallucination
As experts see the nerves every waking sheds light on the dark room brain at a time when mental image evolves minutes.
And some research is trying to link specific stages of sleep function, such as the installation of memory, so that doctors can address the problems associated with sleep.

Sleep comes after various forms of deep sleep or slow-wave sleep where the body distributed high levels of hormones are believed to include tissue repair.
In that same stage, it seems that the brain supports cultural memories in a more effective manner, such as keeping the words and figures.
Scientists have made recent discoveries unprecedented in the way the brain works during a quiet wave sleep stage.
In one of these studies, the researchers Germans smell known to help students sleeping better to remember the things they learned in the previous night. Fraúhh roses during the study, and then during sleep seems to intensify the natural process of memories.
And when he was asked to smell is in the process of slow-wave sleep activates the part of the brain called the hippocampus, where it is believed he was working to accommodate the events of the previous day.

It turns out that Alraoih during REM does not have any effect. It is understandable, he studied demand site a couple of playing cards, a task mentality devoid of any serious romantic tales or the contents of which تزحم REM
The troubled image during the rapid eye movement stage, as some scientists suggest, may reflect the brain's efforts to integrate emotional reactions, which probably adds mood lighting scenes were supported in other parts of the brain
The researchers analyzed in Massachusetts students diary of dreams, where they compared some dreams before and after September 11, 2001.
Dreams of students has changed a significant way after the attacks, and included four times menacing images. In a study conducted in 2005, analyzed the students' dreams Diaries addition to readings from the movement of eyelashes, scientists have found that it is likely that social interaction being active during REM sleep rather than in other stages.
The scientists began to believe that each stage of sleep specializes in the analysis of a certain quality of information, and therefore the sharp differences between REM and slow-wave sleep and other stages of increasing importance. While drugs to treat sleep problems raised in the markets working to confirm sleep, but they do not add slow-wave sleep. Such medicine is much better than the cases of insomnia, but are not considered a substitute for natural deep sleep and memories support center.
And people varies widely in relation to the quantity and quality of sleep they need, and with increasing age, it seems that the body finds it difficult to enter the rapid stage of sleep.
Some of us in the urgent need to slow wave sleep stage, while others feel the need to stage rapid eye movement sleep.
In the coming years, the challenges of sleep research, will give doctors and patients who suffer from lack of sleep opportunity, not only to sleep more, but maybe the quality of the sleep they need

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