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Friday, February 8, 2013

Why use an antibiotic for a week?

Why use an antibiotic for a week?

Some people ask why we use antibiotics for a week?
Some of them wanted to use counter for two or to improve
Better then leaves used and did not complete a week and here lies the problem
Antibiotic is a lively attacking parts to eliminate bacteria
After patient use of anti-two days after he feels better
This improvement resulted from weak bacteria and not death, and if left
Use a treatment two days later on the grounds that he feels better.
I weakened bacteria that counter may recover strength again
And counter-attacking parts of living (and form antibodies against this
Type of antibiotic) (not the first time, but when you continue
In eating counter for inadequate), which means that the patient if
Use this counter again will not help him because bacteria
In his body have antibodies against this
Type of antibiotic and therein lies the problem.
If you use counter for a week is due to be sure
Weaken the bacteria (and elimination) final
Therefore any patient must use Alamadadaly
Complements week even felt much better.
Note: many antibiotic What hurts useful in some cases, you should consult your doctor before
Direct use and work necessary analysis

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