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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Asparagus, benefits What are the benefits of asparagus herb?

Asparagus, benefits
What are the benefits of asparagus herb?
What are the benefits of asparagus and what causes change the smell of urine in some people?

فوائد الهليون asparagus.jpgOdor is caused by sulfur compounds (mainly Mithaneciol) that is produced when eating and digesting asparagus, regardless of the method of preparation. This occurs when all the people, but only 20% of people they can note the smell that appear rapidly after eating asparagus, if you are from those 20% do not worry.
Uses and benefits of medical asparagus:
- Increases in women's fertility
- Removes menstrual pain
- Improves Adrar milk when nursing mother
- Tonic for sexual energy, contains plant hormones memorandum
- Asparagus roots help the secretion of hormones affect human feeling
- Diuretic, heartbreaking gravel and sand. Removes salt from the body and entrapment of water
- Nutritious contains a high proportion of folic acid, which is required during pregnancy
- Helps to produce red blood cells
- Helps to treat rheumatism
- Strengthens the visual acuity due to the presence of vitamin A prevents night blindness - Contains a protein, high sugar, Saponin, mineral salts, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, Aftiamin

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