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Friday, December 28, 2012

How cells within us turn into cancer cells?

How cells within us turn into cancer cells?

كيف تتكون الخلايا السرطانية There is a range of cells within the components and weapons the immune system and are specialized cells mission eliminate tumor cells and cells that attacked viruses and settled inside and called cells and natural killer (Natural Killer Cells) These cells mission when the immune system strong and secreted substances other immune that help these cells maturity and carry out its mission in scalable cancer cells at the beginning of the spread of such materials interleukin - interferon and others.
Genetic mutations turning normal cells into cancerous spread in case of a weak immune system
When weakens the immune system as a result of infection or genetics or environmental pollution or other causes numerous weaken the immune system, it fails to address these cancer cells that were, until recently, normal cells but Touhst after mutations or changes in the genetic makeup, in order nucleic acids in the nucleus In the mystery of the universe existing DNA is DNA. the
Why and how to turn a normal cell in the human body, which is divided naturally divide into two cells with the same number of chromosomes in the original cell to a cancer cell Savage does not carry the same genetic makeup of the cell of origin does not regularly, but are divided randomly divided Savage?
The answer to this question began research performed in 1970 at the University of California, initiated by scientists, "Michael Bishop" and "Harold Verumas" on a virus causing cancer, where it was found and there gene occurred by mutation led to the occurrence or appearance of the cancerous tumor and in the quarter century last picture became clearer and more comprehensive, where you can summarize the answer to the question in the following:
1 - carcinogenic genes "Petrol malignant tumor"Was discovered one hundred gene so far because of mutations Bahdha injury tumor differs place gene and type depending on the type of tumor and the status of these genes exist naturally essential to a division's natural cell copies DNA properly and arrange identical to arrange the original cell and when mutations in these genes, these genes serve as gasoline, which trample it are car moving "tumor" quickly in the wrong direction caused by these mutations, but only one which is not to be brake in running condition and is inhibitory genes that play tumors other role in the formation of cancerous tumors.
2 - inhibitory genes of tumors "brake malignant tumor"Have been discovered 12 species so far if they are present naturally they serve as a brake for the cells and tumor If happened by any change in the order of amino acids or mutations, the brakes are canceled and become tumor growth without any brakes Thgmeh or stops, especially that in the same time, we must be accompanied by abolition of brake pressure on gasoline through mutation occurs in oncogenes.
3 - fleet maintenance divine mystery of the universe:Scientists have been even a few months focusing their research on gene defective which led to the occurrence of the disease and has already reached many of these genes and tried to fix order of amino acids out through genetic engineering, and thus treat certain genetic diseases but the scientific revolution that occurred at the end of last year was in Discover Enzyme certain so-called "DNA Repair Enzymes" and these enzymes are a fleet maintenance divine discovered scientists who go to the DNA or the mystery of the universe with every copy and split occur anywhere in the body to make sure that there is no error in the copying process and if discovered The presence of any fault or error, it initiates fix it immediately so that you can copy and review the three billion a copy of the rules amino acids without any mis to remain workmanship of God in the best of molds.
The question then why diseases occur and error in cell division, which leads to the occurrence of tumors as long as this fleet there and doing his job?
The answer: the error that occurs manmade This fleet maintenance has the ability of certain limited power and this, of course, what happens when human exposure to carcinogens various environmental pollutants, medicines and tools of modern technology and other carrying this fleet is overworked she can errors in the process of copying the secret of the universe and getting diseases and tumors The man pays for maintenance mishandled by the laws of God.

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