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Friday, December 28, 2012

Black berry food and medicine

Black berry food and medicine
Research has shown that eating some berries black increases the energy in the body and face the adverse effects of concern and tension on the body, which is a rich source of vitamin C as it is rich in antioxidants so longer berries adequate food and health to those who follow the diet also protects against kidney damage and strengthens the immune system and resist cancer and can be eaten fresh or after cooking, it does not lose its nutritional value when cooked.
Berry nutritional value
Black berry is very rich in fiber for containment on many seeds as containing half a cup of berries for 40 calories and provides for the body 15 mg of vitamin C in addition to 10 Mikdamat of folic acid and 3.5 mg of vitamin E and small amounts of iron and calcium. Contains black berries also acid Alelagiu and this acid is believed to protect against cancer and it seems that cooking does not destroy this acid and thus it can get to this article of black raspberry jam. And cons of black berry because it contains salicylates, which may cause allergic reactions in people with allergies to aspirin.
Therapeutic benefits of berries:
- Reduces berries black level of tension: compounds found in berries black showed it limits the secretion Alkatikolamin "catecholamine" such as adrenaline secreted by the adrenal gland when tension, and increased secretion of adrenaline increases blood pressure, which means that the berries black handles high blood pressure, headaches and tension.- Berries full of manganese: manganese has the ability to improve the status of antioxidants in cardiac muscle, these muscles exposed to many of pressure and you need high amounts of antioxidants to keep the job better and prevent damage to the muscle.- Prevent respiratory infections: black berries rich in vitamin C and is known for its ability to boost the immune system and prevent respiratory infections.- Black berries rich in vitamin K: Vitamin K is important for optimal bone health and prevent fractures and reduce inflammation and improve insulin resistance and immunity in general.- Black berry good for the kidneys: black berries from a family of plants that have the ability to total protection from damage and prevent cell death.

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