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Friday, December 28, 2012

Cinnamon the best way to control glucose and cholesterol levels

Cinnamon the best way to control glucose and cholesterol levels
The results of a recent scientific study that the addition of one tablespoon of cinnamon leaf to food is the best way to control glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood. According to the study, the effective impact of cinnamon lies in the slow movement of the stomach in emptying the contents of the food in its different forms and paid into the small intestine, which contributes to the lack of intestinal absorption per sugars found in foods or drinks at once or within a short period. The study confirmed that the feasibility real cinnamon not appear until after attendance addressed for at least forty days, starting practically improve and enhance the ability of the body's cells to take advantage of what is available in the body of the amounts even tiny insulin, where lower production cells of the body for the enzymes that inhibit Insulin work well in these cells. The study showed that a drink cinnamon quantity 1 gram a day lowers blood sugar level by between 18 and 29%, and reduce the level of total cholesterol by between 12 and 26%, and reduce the level of triglycerides by between 23 and 30%, while continuing in force for a period of 20 days after a break from eating cinnamon on a regular daily basis.

The study also noted that among the hundreds of species of cinnamon, there are two main types of cinnamon: the first is the type the Chinese planted trees in China, Vietnam and Indonesia, and the other is kind Ceylon and planted trees in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil and the Caribbean islands, and both give the same flavor Special cinnamon . And cinnamon believes about 38% of the required daily intake of manganese, 10% of iron, and 10% of the fiber, and 6% of the calcium, and as indicated in the sites specializing in Health News. The health benefits of cinnamon in their ability to resist various types of bacteria and resistance to the proliferation of cancer cells and relieve the symptoms of stomach ulcers and improve brain function particularly with regard to the revitalization of the mind and memory and the alleviation of inflammation and skin

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