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Friday, December 28, 2012

Some misconceptions about the accumulation of wax inside the ear

Some misconceptions about the accumulation of wax inside the ear

كيف نتعامل مع تراكم الشمع داخل الأذن بطريقة سليمةOften seep of water to points inside the ear both when washing hair or bathing what is the solution if you entered some points of water in the ear? And when to resort to washing the ear? May get worse into water droplets to the ear becomes wax found in the ear Kajeena and plugging the ear completely, and the patient suffers from the ear filled with water, and then ask treatment, in the case of accumulation of wax, the doctor cleans the ear, if the quantity is simple can be extracted by medical instruments allocated to it.

Some false beliefs about washing the ear ..
If the amount of wax large or "stuck" inside the ear canal can be extracted a simple process, a washing ear, which are in the clinic, ear, nose and must be skillfully so you do not get the ear drum to any harm or contamination infections fungal channel ear, and through the use of large syringe dedicated to it filled with warm water and certain medical material, as there is another way to extract the wax by a suction device wax.
There are some common mistakes that circulated people is that the patient goes directly to the doctor, demanding a wash for his ear once he felt itchy or scratcher or poor hearing, which has many causes is the accumulation of wax, but it is sometimes be washing the ear with water harmful to the patient, for example, in the case of a hole ear drum or an ear canal infections, whether bacterial or fungal infections.
There is also a common mistake last is in the saying, "The washing ear harmful to the body because of washes his ear once will have to wash them again and again," This destination scientific concept is totally wrong, because some people have a rate secretion wax more than the normal rate, and then accumulates wax inside the ear quickly and then These people need to make washing each period means that the flaw is not in the first wash of the ear but in the increasing rate of secretion of wax, and the proof is that some people suffer from the accumulation of wax in one ear and not two as some think.

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