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Monday, December 31, 2012

Beautiful information about the great life of elephants

Beautiful information about the great life of elephants
Elephants are the largest animals that live on land, and there are two types of elephants: the African elephant and the Asian elephant. The African elephant is larger than the Asian as a height of 3 meters and a half meter, and weigh up to 6 tons, and has ears Mstahtan up Toulhma to two meters and Atsallma to meter and a half, as a length of 3 meters and a half meter, and impossible to bring these large animals into our homes and take care of it as we take care of cats and dogs!!.Khartoum is a great difference between elephants and other animals, which is similar to Khartoum that we water our gardens, and this long Khartoum consists of 50 thousand muscle! Yes, it is as you have heard quite '50 thousand muscle '· · There nose piercing in the introduction to Khartoum ·Used elephants Jaratimha to mobilize water and poured in their mouths, as used to carry things and snorted.Proboscis can accommodate four liters of water used by either drinking or bathing. In return, Khartoum can carry heavy objects cut a small Bazalaa paper and put it in the mouth of an elephant to eat.
Thus, elephants can animate objects heavy doing fine. It hose surprising is suitable for many businesses, Sometimes be Kalasba long and sometimes Kalpouk and sometimes Kmekpr sound, also used the elephant Khrthomh for showers and flick · However, the young elephants do not succeed in using Khratimanm after birth so that some of them trampling over Khrthomh Cuomo on the ground . It is a scene funny and Tarif, but small elephants do not enjoy it.The mother does not leave their young for 12 years and use Khratimanm learning over the last 6 months without fatigue or fatigue.

And there on both sides of the elephant's mouth Sinan senior to assist him or her to defend himself, as used to dig as the earth in search of water, but these teeth eroding Kalolaav Almamadogh, so God created the properties are very important the more erosion of age left his place another age.
The elephant needs elderly to nearly 330 kg of food daily, which is equivalent to a pile of hay, and elephant every day are forced to spend 16 hours in the eating.
And now Nmdkm information more exciting for elephants:

Do you think in the method used by elephant to cool his skin thick? It is natural to imagine that the elephant does so as there in the surroundings of water or pools of water, but the elephants are different ways about it, for example: using elephant ears to cool down from the hot weather فيحولها to fan · Vcrain vessels in the ears cool first, which helps to cool the body whole.

And Philae important advantage baffled hunters and zoologists long namely gargling belly elephant, Fbtun elephant when gargle issued a loud voice, but surprisingly not sound that comes out of the belly of the elephant, but the ability of the elephant to control this sound that issued from his stomach, it had nothing to this sound processdigestion, but intended to send a message to his friends telling them of his whereabouts.
And there is nothing else more exciting is that the elephant when he feels imminent danger stop this voice immediately · Thus, elephants can communicate with each other after four kilometers.
On the other hand, the process of migration of elephants Multi baffled scientists as well, since these animals migrate great big ears body in dry seasons and track all one way · Strangely enough, it also cleans the road from tree branches during an operation in the migration.
The elephants live in places vast therefore communicate with each other is very important, and this communication is not just on the strength of the sense of smell and hearing, but the God-given those characteristics ability to issue strong voices we can not afford · Thanks to that continuing elephants among them that they can not animals other understood, فكأنها use language symbols to communicate remotely · It's a gay way to communicate over long distances

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