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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Does it hurt your waist while laughing so much?

Laughter, great, while, waist, HURTS, you

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Does it hurt your waist while laughing so much?

There two puncture Clasyquian reasons profile when laughing or jogging. These activities have at least one thing in common: the work of the diaphragm. "When you laugh too, you take a lot of air, which fills the lungs and put pressure on the diaphragm while shrinking the abdominal muscles also pays above the diaphragm, of course, repeated this movement a lot during every minute. Pressure repeated can cause spasm muscle that causes a feeling of tingling.

Sometimes when you laugh a lot, you feel pain in your right arm in addition to acupuncture in the side. This is because the nerve that feeds the diaphragm goes to the right shoulder as well. So, in addition to the diminished chord, laughed a lot can seem like a heart attack.

Tried to break fast session to pressure diaphragm, through deep breathing and slow between bouts of hysterical laughter. And avoid eating large meals, because it pulls the blood to the stomach and this means that dinner and attend a play with a laugh is never healthy, but if I enjoyed the show at least half an hour after eating

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