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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Smoking causes weeping fetus

Smoking, fetal, crying, cause, |
| Smoking causes weeping fetus | ~

D announced. Magdy Badran the Egyptian Edwaljmaah of Allergy and Immunology that smoking causes fetal and infant crying.
He pointed at the seminar medical which was held Cultural Center Club aviation that smoking causes colic, which causes high material Motelin in the blood and intestine, which causes Motelin contraction of smooth muscle in the stomach and intestines and thus Tqlsma and a sense of colic and this colic cause crying severe a difficult treatment, because it does not respond to doses usual of the drug because smoking activates the production of a special enzyme breaks medicine liver!.
As explained by Dr. Magdy that smoking harms both negative and positive fetus as lower birth weight 20 grams per cigarette for each day of smoking during pregnancy.
He points out that results from burning cigarettes poisonous carbon monoxide, which reduces the growth of members of the fetus body decreases birth weight.
Other risk factors that Aatherha smoking on newborn that retards growth and development of the brain as nicotine material causing addiction cigarettes are Sama slow embryos human causes contraction in arteries fetal brain and also lead to lower academic achievement later, and prepare for the addiction of cigarettes in the future.
It also plays a role in the incidence of defects and congenital malformations, miscarriage or birth of a child is dead which reduces the chance of the child in breast-feeding and causes sudden death of an infant.
Shows Dr. Magdy that smoking reduces the levels of antioxidants in the blood, which deprives children of the ability to fight infections and environmental pollutants as that cigarette smoking destroys vitamin C at 25 mg per cigarette and vitamin C of antioxidants, which increases the efficiency of the immune system and man can not be vitamin C, and therefore needs vitamin C daily and several times, the needs of the day to take 60 milligrams of vitamin C, and vitamin C, prevents the harmful effects of nicotine on the birth.
On the other hand, more than passive smoking for fetuses and children from the risk sensitivity of the chest and recurrent bronchitis in the various stages of childhood and high blood pressure and heart disease in the future and accelerate the incidence of cancer in adulthood.
Recommended d. Magdy several steps to protect our children from the dangers of smoking, which are:
• protect fetuses, infants and children from smoking and vitamin C intake during pregnancy to prevent the negative effects of smoking on lung function especially oranges, tangerines and vegetables cooked green pepper and red, yellow and broccoli because they are good sources of vitamin C.

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