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Friday, February 8, 2013

How Ttafaejhazak after a certain time you specify

How Ttafaejhazak after a certain time you specify

How Ttafaejhazak after a certain time you specify without programs or additions or something just some of the commands
How easy and sweet and simple and Mavera any complexity and very useful if you're doing a download Download from the net
This download claimed supplements, for example, after an hour and you hurry and want to go somewhere and want after the completion of the Download the computer to turn off himself and thus be sure that the net has been disconnected and the computer was blowing
First of all, go and never start
Then Run Run
We write Halomr this shutdown-s-t 3600
Taking into account the space between characters
No. 3600 (a clock) rave-term Elly claimed Atafa after which the device, of course, appreciate تزيدون or Tnqson
Note: Duration calculated in seconds
(Time how many seconds = 60 × 60 and if, for example, you want two hours after Atafa device 3600 x 2 = 7200) and so on
After writing the previous command and implement claimed box appears tells you how much remained on Atafa device
Now if you want to that Tkensl matter cancel two firefighters and want to continue in your work on the device
Go and once again start
Then Run
And we write Halomr shutdown-a
We have to guinea the shutdown process of the device

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