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Friday, February 8, 2013

The backbone of the Internet ... Magic hair

The backbone of the Internet ... Magic hair

Fiber glass
FiberGlass diameter less than the diameter of a human hair, managed during the last thirty yearsThat change the shape of the world in which we live now. The idea of ​​transferring information with lightLong distances old idea took a long time until they achieved in earlySeventies by glass fiber cables; to replace the transfer of informationElectrical signals by copper cables.
ThisEvolution produces fiberglass - next evolution in using transmittersLaser that transforms electrical signal to a light signal on the one hand, and devicesReception by turning the second traffic light into an electrical signalOn the other hand - managed to blow a revolution in the telecommunications network, and transfer speedInformation.
During theThe past three decades has been building communications networks worldwideGlass fiber cables in the form of ground cables, pneumatic, or cablesUses under the seas and oceans. Except that the parties to the network - that is, from 1 to 3Kilometers - before the common point left copper wire cables; because transmission capacityThe information in this area is essential, and also because of the costs.

Tale of the fiber optic
DespiteThat the age of a relatively short glass fiber it over several stages of development;In the early seventies, was able to "Corning" (corning), United StatesProduction of the first glass fiber suitable for use in the transfer of phone lines. TheLevel of loss in light intensity this time up to about 20 dBKilometer. Today not exceed that loss of 0.2 dB per kilometer, noteThat 3 decibels lost at Kilometre 50% lost to the light intensity.

Tower withdraw fiberglass
And fiber glass fiber glass - also called fiber optic fiber optic - consisting of the heart of pure glass diameter 10 Micrometers, and cover perimeter also pure glass, but coefficient break it (the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and the speed of light in this article) is less than the refractive index heart that a diameter of up to 125Makromtra. This difference in the refractive factors is what leads to the entry into force of the lightLaser pumped in the heart of the fiber for hundreds of kilometers before losing intensity. And jacketedThe textured plastic glass fiber; to protect it and make it flexible.
IndustryFiber glass is made first a thick column of pure glass, a component of the heart and AtmosphericGlass, then heated the glass side of this column to high temperatures (2000 ° C) until melted glass, and pulls down the tower called Tower clouds (drawing tower) evenUp to the required dimensions in diameter, and then placed plastic layer on the fiberGlass, then rolling on rollers lengthwise required. These reels are then usedIn the manufacture of glass fiber cables.
Because the welding process is such that every heart of the other fiber dock heart completely (10 Micrometers), welding automatically by computer in a welding machine.
Featuring glass cables copper from those in the lot:
- Vsatha much larger; so that we can through the glass fiber and one transfer more than 150 thousand telephone lines at the same time.
-The loss per kilometer much less in fiberglass compared with cablesCopper, and therefore do not need to strengthen many devices, and that reduces costs.
-Glass fiber cables are more flexible, and weighs less, and dimensions of less thanCopper cables, and thus less production costs, installation and maintenance.
- Fiberglass is not affected by external electromagnetic waves, and this means that the information transmitted without distortions.
- Also difficult to eavesdrop on fiber glass cables, therefore preferably used in military applications and strategic

Internet and magical hair

Glass fiber cable
InEarly nineties associated with most global communication networks to each other, and alsoLocal area networks; such as research centers, universities and companies, and communication networksWireless; to be the basis of the composition infrastructure of the Internet, who said useFor commercial and private applications at this time.
BeforeThis was limited use of the Internet in some isolated networks for military purposesThe strategy in the United States. At the same time spread the use of devicesComputer is widespread throughout the world, and became a transfer speedInformation on the Internet beginning with 56 kbit / s in the house of jointUses embedded "modem" to connect to the Internet, and rise when it reaches the glass fiber cable lines; as is the case in the cables under the oceans to 2.5 GB per second.

In thisDear reader see that the idea of ​​creating glass fiber light to transmit informationBlew the advent of the Internet, which weaves strings around the world as a spider network, and usesIn most magic strings pili (glass fiber) that transmit information quickly; to turn the world into a small village.

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