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Sunday, February 3, 2013

If «swelling when cold .. Why does it happen?

If «swelling when cold .. Why does it happen?

Q: diagnosed my case as' swelling when the cold in both hands. What are the reasons for this situation, and is there a cure them?
A: «swelling when cold or« الشرث »or« Alakecv »(chilblains) is a painful condition that occurs when blood vessels respond to cold, abnormally. And influenced by persons residing in the wet cold weather areas more than others, for reasons that are still unknown, including women suffer more than men.
And shows «swelling when cold primarily in the fingers and toes, nose, cheeks, and ears, which appears in the form of great spots and pink or purple be swollen and itchy. These patches appear large on exposed skin to the cold that has been warmed very quickly, such as rubbing hands vigorously in front of the fireplace.
* Causes swelling
* It seems that the reasons for this situation is due to damage in the capillaries in the skin, as these capillaries constrict, when the skin is exposed to the cold, they hurt, especially in people who are sensitive. When skin is heated again and quickly, the blood leaking from capillaries toward the surrounding tissue, which causes inflammation. May increase the sensitivity of rights as a result of a defect in the circulatory system or due to anemia, hormonal changes, problems in the connective tissues, and when incidence of certain diseases of the bone marrow.
If you suffer from repeated case «swelling when chronic cold, your doctor may direct you to conduct laboratory tests to verify the absence of any disease in the organs of the body and its members.
* Relieve symptoms
* And able to carry out a number of things to help relieve the symptoms of the situation and accelerate healing, including:
Not rub not Tkhaddhi areas affected.
Use nonsteroidal ointments to relieve itching and swelling.
Keep a clean spots and swelling sites.
If you feel that your skin has been exposed to infection, you should consult your doctor for treatment. As is the case with other cases that occur because of the cold, it is important to keep your head, hands, and feet warm and dry. If you smoke, stop smoking because it harms circulation.
People may benefit sufferers of repeated case of swelling when the cold of treatment with nifedipine nifedipine, and the like, a calcium channel blocker calcium - channel blocker that dilates the blood vessels.
However, the majority of people it seems, the preparedness of the cold weather and wear warm clothing, whether inside or outside the home, including the suit to maintain body temperature, is one of the means of preventing the situation.
And when your skin is exposed to the cold, you should gradually warmed using warm water (not hot), for example, without rub or beating him.

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