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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Man "bald" uses his head as advertising board to get a $ 320 per day

Man "bald" uses his head as advertising board to get a $ 320 per day
Brandon Hicotsky a young man of 27 years old, has launched a unique service, a "slogan bald", and through which using his head as pallets advertising companies through which draw ads on his head, and the wandering in many cities such as Aston and Texas gets to spread wider as far as possible and get the $ 320 in today's match.
And who pay Brandon to launch this idea is falling most hair is at a young age and says, "because I did not choose to be bald so I thought that my baldness something nice so I decided to use my head in real action brings money", according to the site Odaty Central.
Since last month, when he was a businessman bald idea began pouring it requests and inquiries from companies that are interested in having logos of their temporarily on the head or the head of a colleague for a fee of $ 320 a day, which created the team as his assistant at work.
The Brandon and his colleagues draw tattoos very meticulous manner make it able to withstand any of the different weather conditions and a stroll in the city for a period of 6 hours a day to draw attention to companies declared
Bald man currently has a team of three staff but ambitious businessman is planning to hire more to increase the advertising space and publish their respective fields in more than one city
In order to get attention as much as possible the Brandon uses strategy involving attractive girls and photography where a and colleagues using two actresses females carrying banners or flags with the company logo, which announced also uses a camera crew where he says Brandon that when present cameras, people have a out of curiosity to see what we are doing and why over my head.
Brandon has donated nearly half the proceeds obtained by the National Foundation for the treatment of alopecia areata, which supports people who suffer from autoimmune diseases, which cause hair loss of some or all of the areas of the body and usually from the scalp

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