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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Shorter 10 leaders in the world!

Stronger 10 people in the world!

10 - Bill Gates, chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, personally donated $ 30 billion dollars for the reasons charities such as health care and the fight against poverty, convinced many people to do the same, and Bill Gates is a businessman and programmer U.S. founded Microsoft with Paul Allen in 1975, and making his fortune himself.

 10- بيل غيتس, رئيس مؤسسة بيل ومليندا غيتس الخيرية,

9 - Sonia Gandhi, president of the Indian National Congress, has significant influence over the country with a population of 1.2 billion people a prosperous economy and a nuclear arsenal.

تم تصغير هذه الصورة. إضغط هنا لرؤية الصورة كاملة. الحجم الأصلي للصورة هو 570 * 432.
شخصياً تبرع بمبلغ 30 مليار دولار للأسباب الخيرية كالرعاية الصحية

8 - Ben S. Bernanke, a Jewish-American economist and president of the Federal Reserve Board, "the central bank," Bernanke is responsible for the great organization of the global economy.

ومحاربة الفقر, أقتنع العديد من الاشخاص أن يحذوا حذوه, وبيل

7 - David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and heads the coalition government, the country has economic and military influence.

غيتس هو رجل أعمال ومبرمج أمريكي أسس شركة مايكروسوفت مع

6 - Angela Merkel, leader of the Christian Democratic Union, has a great influence not only in Germany, but also within the European Union.

بول الان عام 1975, وصنعَ ثروته بنفسه. 9- سونيا غاندي,

5 - Pope Benedict XVI, head of the Catholic Church and the Vatican head of state, is considered the highest authority to the 1.1 billion people in the world.

رئيسة المؤتمر الوطني الهندي, لديها نفوذ كبير على بلد يبلغ

4 - Vladimir Putin, Russia's prime minister, oversees one of the most resource-rich countries.

3 - Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, oversees the kingdom contains the largest reserve of crude oil in the world.

عدد سكانه 1.2 مليار نسمة بأقتصاد مُزدهر وترسانة نووية. 8-

2 - Barack Obama, President of the United States, commander of the Army the most advanced in the world as well as major economy.

بن بيرنانكي, وهو أقتصادي يهودي أمريكي و رئيس مجلس الاحتياط

1 - Hu Jintao, President of the Republic of China (PRC), oversees the Republic population of 1.3 billion people and the world's second largest economy.

الفيدرالي "البنك المركزي", بيرنانكي مسؤول عن تنظيم ألاقتصاد العالمي الكبير.

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