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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Benefits of shrimp food

Benefits of shrimp food

The protein comes on top of the nutrients in the 1 oz shrimp from around 23.7 grams of protein,
I.e. 47% of the body's need for protein. Shrimp also contains vitamin d, vitamin B12, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

In scientific research, researchers examined the effect of shrimp on blood cholesterol levels. They found that raising HDL level
By 12%, and reduce triglyceride levels by 13%.

The meal of shrimp to provide 28% of your daily need of vitamin B12. The nutrients needed to keep
Levels of a type of acid that can cause direct damage to the walls of blood vessels and is the largest risk factor for heart disease.
In addition to the prevention of blood clots, and chronic inflammation.

Another study suggested that eating fish and shrimp a week helps the heart cells to perform their functions, including the electrical signal, which prevents the
Of abrupt and deadly to the heart muscle. The study showed that eating fish and shrimp in the long term is associated with low Que.,
A measure of heart cycle interval. Increased Que. linked t
The sudden stop of the heart muscle, which is the cause of 50% of heart attacks.

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