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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Paul bed adults I hope healing

Paul bed adults I hope healing

Paul bedding or urinary incontinence during sleep is a common condition in children caused by about 5% to 10% at the age of 7 years. Although about 15% of such cases heal automatically and without any treatment annually with the help of God Almighty, but some continue year blog by between 1.5 to 3% and cause despair and anxiety, confusion and mental disorders and social and family of these men or women living with that alarming situation. Some studies have shown that the modern age of adolescence and puberty reflects a special category of Paul bedding that amounted to more complicated and resistant to treatment with the influence of social and psychological toll. In addition there proved to be closely interrelated between treatment failure in children and lack of capacity of the bladder dysfunction, which lasts through the years despite many failed treatments, do patients ' lives and adversely affects the quality of what drives some to accept them for fear of exposing them and display them on the disconcerted specialist and discuss their shyness or wrong belief that there is no cure. A recent study has shown by Dr. young and his colleagues at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 18 men
And 29 injured by women aged between 16 and 43 years at the tests and analysis full layout included urine flow and speed glitches almesina and external electronic valve and x-ray urography vocal about 79% of these patients were suffering from moderate or severe poly chain which hold more than 3 nights per week or nightly in a sustainable manner and that about 38 percent of them complain of daytime urinary symptoms. And found that about 93% of them were living with bladder neural functional blockages in the urethra or bladder neck due to Peste in urine or synergies between the bladder and the valve or pelvic muscles by 73% Furthermore showed that study suffered in the urethra when two men and a lack of bladder capacity (less than 300 milliseconds liters) in 53% of the cases. The study proved and other global studies of different reasons and advantages that situation when children and adults and the lack of psychological factors in growing symptoms in these patients with age.
In some recent tests on children with Paul bedding clarified some of the causes of that situation included hyper urine during sleep and Adh hormone secretion disorder responsible for the renal absorption of water and salt in the separated urine during sleep and waking up from sleep when you feel the need to urinate and functional lesions in the bladder and tension in her temper and lack of capacity and increase her contractions involuntary as a result of the blockage in the neck or in the urethra and hyper secretion of calcium material in urine during sleep.
Treatment is concentrated by causes if the person being in the amount of urination used drug "dismobreyen" or "minerin" with or without the alarm clock that would favour its use in cases of nervous bladder tension with limited capacity and the remedies can be combined together in the absence of the child reacted to any of them solo. And as for that situation to occur in adults can follow similar recent study showed over 29 patients over 18 years of age and they still complain about Paul bedding was treated successfully using the "dismobreyen" by 65% but with NKS situation in majority when you stop taking the medication and then apply night alarm therapy with good results in 33% of cases and treatment "baldismobreyen" when alarm therapy with success in about 60 percent of it and the failure of some 17% of the benefit of any Of treatments. In the study, which we mentioned earlier, about 93% of adults were infected with the bladder or excessive neural activity while 70% of the causes of that situation included obstruction in the urethra or bladder nervous tension with limited capacity, which may explain the failure of the usual treatments to heal those situations. The researchers ranked China
Yoon that case into 3 categories. (1) bladder neck functional obstruction and delay in his looseness and openness before urinating. (2) bug synergy between the bladder and external urethral valve, (3) functional lesion of urination with no pelvic muscle relaxant during urination. Furthermore urethral obstruction may occur in about 7% of these cases require endoscopic surgery to correct it. It is evident that physician pay attention to the possibility that urinary disorders and functional and anatomical lesions in those cases to identify the root cause of each case and the application of special treatment for each to reach good results.

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