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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Function of soft palate that hangs in the back of the throat

Function of soft palate that hangs in the back of the throat

This piece is called "soft" uvula and webalanglizet are from the Latin
Means small grape tomato, and have several simple functions such as speech, some languages
Such as Arabic, Hebrew, German and Turkish which is called ABC characters throat, which arise from the back of the throat with a soft palate. English has no such letters.

Touching the soft palate can cause vomiting, it may be the cause of snoring, or deep breathing during sleep.

It was also noted that people who have become sick with long uvula sleep apnea, and in some severe cases may be eradicated in whole or in part.

The soft palate closes the respiratory passage in the throat so that food does not enter the nose.

Human infection by drought leads to swelling and swollen uvula, and up to 5 times its normal size, and when inflation and contact with the tongue or down the throat causing a troublesome problem with eating, drinking and breathing.

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