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Friday, February 22, 2013

Tips to improve your body's positive Outlook

Tips to improve your body's positive Outlook

The difference is a human trait, there is a difference in shape, weight, skin color and beauty, and more. Accordingly, different sense of satisfaction or non-acceptance of body shape from one person to another. Picture or shape or appearance of your body means how you feel and what you think when you look at your body and how you think when others see you. we are not the only contributors to the formation of the perception of our bodies, but our friends, family and society, as well as media play a prominent role in the formation of that view.

There are people who have a positive view, others have a negative view. The lives and behavior of both parties are affected by the quality of perception of body shape. Ranging from a perception of body shape between the very positive very negative. Develop a negative image of the body when a person feels that his body does not chime with specifications specs and standards generally accepted when celebrity beauty, and contributes to the media through advertisements for weight and fitness standards in promoting negative sentiment toward body image.

For negative body image perception of long-term tatherkber on mental and physical health of the person include difficulty concentrating, social isolation, stop activities that require them to show the body, such as swimming, or sex, and going to the doctor, depression, anxiety, anorexia, and bulimia (binge-eating). If these disorders without treatment will evolve to very serious health problems. In a world always tries to convince you to narrow concepts and definitions of beauty, how can you maintain a healthy body image?

Here are some tips:
Eat when you are hungry. And take a break when you're tired. Try dealing with people who support your inner strength and who make you feel good about yourself.
I accept and respect your body image and inherited – love those qualities as you love your family.
Remind yourself that beauty is a State of mind, not only the physical condition, and the real beauty is not just attractively. It is a feeling of satisfaction as you are, enhance self-confidence, self-acceptance.
Healthy eating is promotes healthy skin and hair, along with strong bones, therefore improving your appearance.
Remind yourself that life is too short and I don't want to waste my time and effort worrying or thinking about food, calories, and weight, invest your time and effort doing useful things to others. Helping others gives you a sense of satisfaction and enhance confidence and promote a sense of social value.
January aerobics regularly they help promote self-esteem, self-image, and energy levels.
Remember that your body is a tool for continuing your life, not just the appearance.
Mastering stress management promotes a positive feeling and positive perception of the body.
Wear comfortable clothes you want to wear, and that reflect your personality and style that feel right for you.
Keep a list of 10 positive things about yourself--without mentioning your appearance. Add to it! Mark each of the mirrors, you say: I am beautiful inside and out.

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