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Monday, February 25, 2013

What is energy drinks

What is energy drinks

Back in 1977, the first energy drink brand in the United States. Industry flourished and spread to more than 500 different brands in 2006.

And marketed as energy drinks raise mental and physical activity levels.

This product is aimed at young people between the age of 18-35 years. The food and Drug Administration warned in its report, issued in 2007, saying: some manufacturers of energy drinks is promoted as a legal alternative to illicit drugs.

What is the energy drink and what are its contents?

Energy drinks in terms of installation it's like soft drink Soft Drink containing caffeine and glucose and sucrose, vitamins b 2, b 6, b 12 and some amino acids, caffeine concentration higher than soft drinks.

If we compare energy drinks and soft drinks, we find the following:

Percentage of caffeine in energy drinks 38 mg per 100 million while caffeine in soft drinks 10 mg for every 100 million knowing that there are other sources that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, mate and is usually used with energy drinks, caffeine, therefore be very high which in this case is harmful to human health.

Cons of energy drink boils down to the following:

1 the increase in consumption of up to addiction.

2, according to a study conducted by the University of Jerusalem by a student in the Faculty of materials found in energy drinks lead to osteoporosis over the short term (10 years).

3 cause severe damage to the liver to cirrhosis.

4 expulsion of fluids from the body.

5 raise the blood pressure.

6 cut the tissue response to the hormone insulin.

7 reduce sperm count.

8 insomnia and chronic headaches and sleep disorders.

9 negative effect on the functions of the central nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system and kidneys. So I put some industrial countries legislation requiring producers to put a warning on the cover of the packaging for the negative effects on the overall health of the body.

10 negative effects on the psychological and behavioral side, in a study published in 2008 found a close link between energy drink consumption and the emergence of behavioural problems when undergraduates, where results showed that increased consumption associated with increased drug abuse, smoking and drinking and increased recourse to physical violence and failure to fasten seat belt while driving.

Energy drink and Sports Drink: Sport drink

Mixed lot of athletes between energy drink and sports drink, sports drink consists of simple sugars and mineral salts such as potassium and sodium as compensation for the loss of body fluids and prevents the occurrence of drought and provide the body with calories during physical activity, this does not achieve an energy drink that works to expel fluid from the body and it must be on the athletes not to use energy drink as an alternative to sports drinks.

The heart and diabetes patients, the elderly and pregnant and nursing women not to use energy drink it fast absorption and reaches the placenta and breast milk directly where the fetus is in the womb, as well as baby on caffeine in the same proportion as the mother, and thus may have children with certain disabilities.

Perfect alternative to energy drinks from natural resources:

All athletes know their bodies need to severely high feed face the enormous effort required to play during their battles and their toys and homework.

Sports need food with the need to be in full as possible slackening in both physical and mental.

The muscular effort which requires athletes to their, requires wide-ranging food systems:

I drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.

2 carbohydrates give additional power many athletes eat a lot of carbohydrates before any competition several days so give them that extra power. And easy to digest carbohydrates and one of the most important sources of energy. The body stored in the form of glycogen, a form of glucose that is used to get quick energy. And the body can store a large amount of glycogen that is used later in sports activities.

3 you must eat a reduced amount of fat.
4 eat little protein and lineage as follows:

60-70% carbohydrates and 20-30% fat and 10-20% proteins

The food must contain the important minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, potassium and vitamins like vitamins b complex, b 6, b 12, c Brewer's recipe for athletes called "liquid" and they eat hours before entering games or exercises this liquid consists of orange juice or tomato or lemon with half a liter of milk sugar by at least 5 tablespoons with one egg, sports drinks this liquid Cuba every half hour, so Provide the muscles and liver to the depot of alglokosidat helps to make the considerable effort required by the game or practice.

The athletes must make the food equivalent to 60% of the fruits and vegetables and less red meat, saturated fats and trans-fats and use unsaturated vegetable oils and replace red meat with fish meat.

People tend not to eat vegetables and fruit they use some supplements such as:

1 of glutamine L-Glutamine:

One of the most density of amino acids in the muscle tissue. Prevents the destruction of muscle tissue and restore what was destroyed already. Supports the work of the body's immune system, supports athletic performance and keeping and helps to build and maintain muscle blocks in the body. Improves brain performance and focus. Take one capsule 3 times daily.

2 creatine Creatine:

Contains amino acids and are the companions walargnin walmthionin. Creatine supplements that are indispensable in many players ' body building and improves athletic performance and supports energy production during exercise and provides support for physical effort exerted during exercise and it improves cardiac performance. Creatine is more effective when taken with carbohydrates because carbohydrates lead to increased secretion of insulin, which causes increased for the muscles of creatine. The specific dose of creatine is 3 grams on average 3 times a day. Opposing creatine with tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa and incompatible with anti-inflammatory medications, as well as interfere with kidney diseases and diabetes. You must drink large quantities of water with the use of creatine.

Finally, there is a recipe of natural resources cautions and brain and muscle power needed when you exercise. It consists of:

4 city + 3 agwa Tin hairdryer + tbsp raisins black + lemon + half teaspoon powdered ginger + TSP of crushed cocoa.

All material except the cocoa in a small saucepan, then add a cup of water and simmer for half an hour and then pushed off from the heat and stir well with a spoon then add cocoa and stir it and drink all content before any exercise. This recipe is not suitable for people with diabetes.

Persons with diabetes and can not use this recipe can use the following recipe:

Fill teaspoon Korean ginseng powder and fill Cup boiling water and letting it soak for fifteen minutes and then strain and drink three times a day. This recipe gives an active athlete.

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