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Monday, February 25, 2013

To carry heavy weights and with heavy

To carry heavy weights and with heavy

Tafseer Al-qurtubi

Meaning: "to carry heavy weights and with what means they carry heavy disadvantage of thalamooh after vacuum their good deeds. Roy meaning from the Prophet. Made in (Al-Imran). He said Abu him albahli [the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him] "come on man on the day of resurrection and it many advantages it is still limited, even annihilate its attractions and then demanding it says God they avenge oneself on than I have, but she remained his angels says its attractions and then demanding it says God they avenge oneself on from Abdi says the angels remained his virtues, says take the disadvantage of the oppressed, make it" then read the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) "Impregnated with heavy weights and heavy" and said qatada: called to the misguidance had weighed heavily and Boozer work and does not detract from the nurseries.
 And meaning: "to hold a full day nurseries and Ozar who they mislead them without knowledge" [bees: 25]. And this peer as saying peace be upon him: "the age of real bad in Islam affected and their work after the button is missing from the nurseries" Roy, from the hadeeth of Abu hirerrh and others. Hassan said the prophet "called Hoda follow and work, such as the remuneration of the approach and does not detract from their wages and Emma have to qadianiyyah called follow them and work them after it, such as the work of those dire approach does not detract from the nurseries" and recognizes "carrying Al-heavy and heavy loads with heavy".
I said: this sender is the meaning of the hadeeth of Abu hurayrah kharja Muslim and modern Anas bin Malik about the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "whatever reason called for going astray follow the wrongs of followed him like a and does not detract from the azwarhm and Emma have called Hoda follow, such as the remuneration of the approach and does not detract from their wages," kharja Ibn maajah in al-Sunan al-Kubra. And in part from Abu johfiyeh and Greer. It was said: that the agents of darkness. "and it was said: the owners if they follow fads. And it was said: the incident of al-Sunan generators if they close them on and talk with all of that.
So beware my brother Yamen not fear Allah Yamin send songs or hear others uttnshrha in Internet or beltoth or others or incite or indicate murder, adultery or other obscenities aolwat., we repent him? and not be as stated in the verse and not loosely spreading sin and not her servility by small or big and follow you or someone else ordered by valihaozrk and Boozer from follow you 

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