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Monday, February 25, 2013

There are three foods that scientists from foods that work wonders miracles

There are three foods that scientists from foods that work wonders miracles

And most ideal diets and these foods are:
First: * * curd *
The curd has benefits and medical benefits lots and lots, which are overlooked by many people. It contains an infinite number of Lactobacilli that dreaded enemy of harmful bowel bacteria, cleanses the intestines of these germs and prevent intestinal infections, as well as the composition of the gases, and contains milk on quantities ghazirhmn vitamin b-complex which gives the activity and resist fatigue and anemia. And also contains vitamins (a, d, c) that your body needs and it also features a moisturizer for the stomach and helps digestion as well as demulcent and laxative, prevents constipation and when consumed makes the mouth smell good and benefit the gums and teeth and makes shiny if that the gums and teeth.
Benefits of yogurt: 1. it is a diuretic. 2. reduces the deposition of salt and sand to the kidneys and bladder and reduces the formation of kidney and bladder. And her miracles soon discovered: it reduces the ability of some cancer cells to reproduce and resist aging occurs. Findings comprehensible immediately explains that a large proportion of Bulgarians live and this motivation to eat curd. Many women used masks sour milk on the face and hands to give the skin a bright and attractive, it also softens the skin. Curd can keep its long without rotting, and contains elements that effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria. So you must keep the elderly and children, men and women to eat curd


: * Yeast * nutrition scientists consider the biggest food discoveries through the ages it contains 12 different vitamins and 16 went off air as 14 metal substantially, and the tip of the iceberg. It is one of the richest sources of vitamin b complex, which the body needs for metabolism of food and vital activity, and is important for the safety of nerve and the prevention of many diseases. And also contain a set of amino acids and proteins for the body growth and tissue regeneration. And effective element in yeast insulin secretion of the body, and reduces the incidence of diabetes and this element is (chromium) and yeast can be used in cases of obesity with a little food before giving a feeling of fullness and provide the body with vitamin b complex for freshness and glamour eyes. Yeast is used in food programmes for slimness that are dealt with after eating hours, help them gain weight. And give the yeast with warm milk cup water or tomato juice to her acceptance
(Iii) El belilah:
Is wheat and milk El belilah walskrao honey, plus the nuts so that the majority of alataser El belilah contain food that your body needs. The wheat is rich in vitamin b 1, b 2, b 6, b, b and thus protects the body from beriberi and nerve walblagra infections and other diseases also contains vitamin e excellent sexual stimulant with a layer of wheat on the phosphorus yghazeib Neurosurgery and reproductive organs. And El belilah rich in calcium, which builds bones and strengthens teeth and also rich in iron to treat anemia and anemia. And El belilah foods that strengthen hair and increase its gloss because it contains silicon and many vitamins and iodine salts and El belilah potassium and sodium to the body activity and El belilah proteins and high calorie so it can be used in cases of general weakness and slim

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