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Monday, February 25, 2013

To sleep night weistikdon night!

To sleep night weistikdon night!

Many people have their daily
Sleep balnharwalastikaz balil

There live the nature of their work requires this mode
There are people who love this way of life!
But they forget something important starts by saying the Almighty
(And made the night clothes and made the day a pension)

God Almighty, put us in life if we contradicted him approach starts to bug?

It has been scientifically proven that ((brain cell are small not be or get closed except when sleeping at night))

Sttsaalon how?

I'll answer:

The glory of the creator in the human brain ((small cell)) responsible for cognitive and vigilance Centre

This cell when we sleep at night. And spermatozoal lights

Lights automatically detects the darkness is closing, and one feels a deep sleep and rest to stop Center service has s.

But when we sleep during the day even if you close the curtains and blackout full,?? This cell will never not be or get closed

((But remain open and maintain active status mrksalikozh)), wake up from the sleep of the day are concerned, discomfort,

There is also a ((Companion friendly.. and Audi companion)) if they???

They're companions Rafsanjani Rahman human how??

I'll tell you::
Friendly companion active in the daytime.
Per feel vibrant and disappearing symptoms of fatigue, exhaustion, joint pain to complain about them
Heat and fever and sickness.

In the night?

It activates the comrade ((Audi)) here begins the aches are invading the body
((Joint pain, acute, and the temperature rises, fever,
And impact of influenza))
Human lwatba instructions either creator and slept at night.
Audi will activate comrade. And would feel comfortable and am with comrade ((friendly))

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