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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Scientific reasons to lie to children

Scientific reasons to lie to children

My little "sweet and kadab"

"Lying" from common habits among children, which may continue with them until adulthood, parents often complain of a lie, and this habit often arise because of fear, especially in childhood could suffer retribution because of their mistakes.

The purpose of the lying in this case protecting oneself, says INAS Abdel Maksoud psychologist Association "entity" for the care of children, many parents turn to beaten to prevent children from lying, however the result is persistent child lying, lying to our processing needs to be positive and effective method, depending on the kinds of lies that must initially aware parents:

Fantastic lying and telling the child a fairy tale unrelated to reality, is positive, so we lied as educators work to develop the imagination of our children because it represents a positive aspect in their behaviour, and to link the broad imagination of reality in order to be closer to ratification and acceptance.

Lying claim, this kind of lying is designed to expand the self, show the appearance of strength to obtain the individual admiration, and attract the attention of others and the feeling of inferiority, and such found in kids and adults too.

Lying retaliatory, this type of lying arises because of the rivalries between sons and especially students, where the student used to affix the false accusations by fellow in order to avenge him.

Lying alaltbasi, this type of lying arises from lack of knowledge, it is a lie is not deliberate, but an event by confusion and this type is not dangerous.

Lying defence arises frequently lack confidence in parents due to excessive sanctions impose on their children, or by the methods used by the cruelty and violence against them at home, forcing them to lie to avoid punishment, and this kind of lying is common in home and school.

Traditional, lying is lying to mimic the parents who lay them on others, or engage the parents lying to children, preparing their children to buy a gift, or a game, and do not fulfil their promise, they learn them as lies.

Lying sick and this type of lie we find many people who are accustomed to lying, and not treated in a positive manner, they have rooted the habit so it becomes the motive for lying is part of their lives, they claim, inter alia, unfounded, and lying in each of their actions and their work, and this is the most serious degree of lying, and most damaging, and treatment is not easy and requires continuous efforts and continuous follow-up.

The question here is how do we address the problem lying to our children? Ines psychologist answers to this question: to address this social scourge in our children, we need the following:

See if the children rarely lie or recurring and not addressing the lying violence or ridicule and humiliation, but should study the motivations for lying, to false so that succeeds in a lie, because success encourages him to keep it, it should also be no accusation of lying to anyone before validation, we as parents use kindness rather than of the intensity, even if the punishment, the punishment should not be greater than the guilt in any way, and dealing honestly with children They are Frank.

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