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Saturday, February 23, 2013

What is menopause

What is menopause

The menopause is the stage of a woman's life when menstruation stops, normal phase begins when Ghalib النساﺀ after age 45. Up to menopause because the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone.

Woman enters menopause when menstruation does not come in for a full year, and changes and symptoms may begin several years earlier. These symptoms include:

Changes in menstrual cycles become longer or shorter, scarce or plentiful, prolonged period between sessions or shorter than usual.

* Hot spells and/or night sweats

* Sleep concerns

* Vaginal dryness

* Mood swings

* Problem in focus

* Decrease the hair and facial appearances

Some symptoms require treatment, you should talk to her doctor about Lady the best way to manage menopause. You should also ensure that women from the doctor knows the full story of sick profile as well as her family's story, and this includes knowing the risk of heart disease or osteoporosis, breast cancer.


Menopause refers to the age at which menstruation stops. Women have access to menopause normally between forty and fifty-fifth years.

In menopausal women experience physical changes and changes. Understanding these changes will help women know what waits for changes and learn how to cope with it.

This tutorial throws light on health menopause and changes in the level of hormones in a woman's body.


Women's reproductive organs are:
The uterus
Fallopian tubes (two trumpets)
The ovaries

These members of the pelvis between the bladder and the rectum.

Two of the ovary: the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Ovulation is the release of eggs for reproduction.

And estrogen and progesterone are hermonln worked on creating the inner lining of the uterus for pregnancy if it occurs. They also regulate the release of eggs from the ovaries.

While the ovarian egg called it going along the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it can ttlkh the sperm, and the sperm can not happen to pollinate her.

If the egg is fertilised inoculation in the womb as the fetus grows.

If the egg is not vaccinated, they posed with the lining of the uterus to the outside of the body through the cervix and vagina during menstruation.

A menstrual cycle is usually 28 days. And increase the level of estrogen and progesterone before and after ovulation. If the egg is not vaccinated decreased level of hormones and blood ejection begins new monthly cycle.

And estrogen and progesterone hormones are two of the many hormones regulate the menstrual cycle.

Add to that the estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle, it maintains healthy bones. It can affect the level of cholesterol in the blood, maintains the elasticity of the arteries, and memory.


Menopause disturbed menstruation, then stops at the end. Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing hormones and release eggs.

While women in the mid-1930s, the ovaries will then begin to change the amount of estrogen and progesterone.

It is rare to get women into menopause before the age of 40, however, menopause can occur between 30 and mid-1950s, or even later. Smokers tend to enter the menopause earlier than non-smokers.

Estrogen and life stages

With women during her five stages of the menstrual cycle and the level of estrogen, these stages are:
What blog
The period surrounding menopause
After menopause
The blog at this stage does not occur when a girl's menstrual cycle that the ovaries have started editing the eggs.

Blog in this period begin menstruation in girls. Puberty usually occur when a girl 12 or 13-year-old. The body begins to produce more estrogen and this leads to the appearance of breasts and pubic hair, underarm, and to rotate your hips and thighs.

With the start of puberty the reproductive phase of the woman enters her life. This phase lasts from 20 to 40 years. During this phase a woman can bear if the egg were vaccinated after her ovulation.

The period surrounding menopause is the stage preceding the monthly sessions. This phase begins before three to five years from the last menstrual cycle, expiring after nearly a year of the last cycle. And can show some signs and symptoms of menopause women with menopause.

Some women can become pregnant in the period surrounding menopause. Therefore, even if irregular monthly cycles during this phase, it is advisable to take precautions to prevent pregnancy if the pregnancy is unwanted.

Menopause last menstrual cycle in women who give signal start of menopause. Women know that they entered menopause while interrupted by the menstrual cycle for one year.

And within a few years result in low estrogen level changes and marks on the body, such as hot flashes. These tags will be addressed in more detail shortly.

Post menopause is the last stage, which exceed women menopause. At this point decline marks a period of menopause and then disappear.

During post menopause menstrual break completely on women and could not afford. But during this phase will be exposed to the risk of certain health problems.

The average age of women 78 years. Women's up to menopause average age is 50 years. This means that the length of the post menopausal equivalent length of the reproductive stage. These statistics differ from one country to another.

Signs and symptoms

Can cause changing levels of estrogen and progesterone to many symptoms. A woman may have a few suffering hot flashes or other signs of menopause and may not suffer from any of that. But some women do not feel more than slight discomfort.

Common signs of menopause:
Irregular menstrual cycles
Hot flashes
Health problems in the vagina and the bladder
Fatigue and sleep disorder
Mood changes
Physical changes

Dealing with menopause

The following section deals with the signs of menopause and how to deal with them.

Irregular menstrual cycles that menstrual disorder is one of the first signs of menopause. It has become a less regular courses or may become light. As you can see heavy monthly bleeding sessions in this period.

Can also occur very copious bleeding for several days or monthly sessions separated by less than three weeks; the bleeding lasts more than 10 days, or bleeds small blood spots between the monthly sessions. And the doctor if you feel the discomfort of these tags.

Hot flashes that hot flashes is a common phenomenon in the period surrounding menopause. Concerned women suddenly heat in the upper body, and a rush of blood to the face and neck. And red spots may appear on the chest, back and arms. It was followed by copious sweating and trembling cold.

Hot flashes can be mild, only slight feeling in a rush of blood to the face. Can be severe hot flashes to awaken from her sleep. And most of the day hot flashes from thirty seconds to five minutes. Hot flashes usually disappear within a few years after menopause.

And tips that help women overcome hot flashes:
Go to cool places.
Mitigate. Preferably wearing women clothes that can be easily mitigated when feeling the heat.
Drink water or juice.
Use a hand fan.

And tips that could prevent hot flashes from the awakening of women of sleep.
Sleep in a cool well-ventilated room.
Wear light colors and made of natural fibers.
Use blankets and clothing to allow the skin to breathe.
Women can register in flushing-mémoire relative dates, and what can be induced. The registry may help women know what to avoid.

Post menopausal sex can change women's feelings about sex. It has lessened libido then because of hormonal changes, sex may become troublesome due to what happen to have changes in the vagina, or medications you are taking.

On the other hand, women may feel more free and more interest in sex after menopause because they are freed from the worry of pregnancy. It should be remembered that even after menopause gone astray aladoiman transmitted diseases through sex, such as AIDS.

If women were unwilling pregnancy, should continue to take precautions to prevent pregnancy until full year disruption of menstrual cycle.

Fatigue and sleep disturbance fatigue are common symptoms after menopause. Women may find it difficult to sleep, or waking up too early, or go back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night. It may also wake up women because of night sweats or because of the need to urinate.

Women should try to take a break from sleeping in the daytime, if her sleep the night before.

Mood changes some people that women become volatile mood or temper or depressed after a menstrual period. There could be a link between changes in the level of estrogen when women's issue.

May be stress or changes in family life, such as vacuum the House of sons, other causes of mood swings.

Sport is beneficial in relieving stress. Also, avoid caffeine may alleviate stress and sleep disorders.

Physical changes to the changes which appear after menopause are:
Weight gain in the Middle
Lack of muscle mass and increased adipose tissue
Paper skin and lack of flexibility
Decrease in breast size

And other potential physical changes, headache, memory disorder, joint and muscle stiffness or pain.

After menopause

The period after menopause can stop hot flashes and night sweats after years of interruption. But the low level of estrogen may cause long-term problems in some members of the woman's body, such as:

The bones may make menopause women's bone is weak. This situation is called osteoporosis. The low level of estrogen at menopause means that bone strength could decline more quickly.

Osteoporosis can lead to fractures in the pelvis and wrists, paragraphs, and other bones of the body.

The calcium and vitamin d, before and after menopause can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. That milk and dairy products, such as cheese and butter, a rich source of calcium and vitamin d.
Can keep the sport strong muscles and bones and reduce the risk of falls and broken bones. Would prefer a 30 minutes of weight reduction exercises such as walking or running or lifting weights three days a week or more.

The estrogen also prevents osteoporosis. There are many medications that can be used to treat osteoporosis.

Heart disease as estrogen level drops during menopause, older women are at risk for high cholesterol level in the blood.

High cholesterol level increases the chances of heart disease, stroke and other diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. After menopause greatly increases women's risk of heart disease. In fact, the number of women dying due to heart disease is greater than the number of mortality due to lung or breast cancer.

The following tips will help you reduce the risk of heart disease.
Eating low-fat foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Avoid smoking
Maintain a healthy weight
Exercise regularly

A recent study for the national institutes of health in America that the participation of estrogen with progestin (a form of progesterone) increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood walkhthrat in the lungs and legs.

The vagina becomes the fabric of genital areas dry and bland with the estrogen level. And painful sexual intercourse may be due to the drought. Women may become more prone to vaginal infections.

To alleviate vaginal pain during intercourse, you can use a water based lubricant. But do not use petroleum jelly. There are also creams and other medicines to solve this problem.

The bladder with life problems can occur in the urinary tract of women, such as urinary incontinence.

The urgency incontinence happens when women are unable to lock up the urine when you feel the need to urinate.

Stress incontinence occurs when women are unable to lock up the urine when sneezing or coughing or laugh or run or bend forward.

The women suffering from urinary incontinence problems to consult a doctor promptly.

Hair and skin the skin may become dry frizzy because of menopause. The back hair density. Also, the hair grows on the Chin and upper lip.

You can remove unwanted hair in many ways. Use sun creams and refraining from smoking can help reduce wrinkles.

Cancer after menopause women become more susceptible to various types of cancers. When he discovered the cancer early when it is easier to treat and cure it. Must women perform self-examination and regular mammography, should be subject to periodic checks on the doctor.

After the women breast self-examination should be careful to contact your doctor if you notice vaginal bleeding or a mass in the breast or felt the fullness or the puff in the abdomen.

And don't forget the test of cervical smear, "Papa Nicolau, x-ray of the breast, breast and pelvic examinations regularly. As these tests can detect the cancer in its early stages.

Hormonal Awards

Medicines be compensatory stage of menopause, the doctor may suggest giving Ms. pill. These disks prevent pregnancy and organize monthly sessions and reduce the chances of cancer in the uterus and ovaries. It can also alleviate other symptoms such as hot flashes.

The pill can make women feel the signs reaching menopause. For this, while you think women have reached menopause can stop taking the pill several months to make sure that the menstrual cycle continues.

After that up to the menopause, suggests the doctor usually eat what is known as HRT, is a combination of estrogen and progesterone. If the womb mstasala, the doctor recommended women take estrogen only. This is called compensatory treatment with estrogen.

A recent study has shown for the national institutes of health in America that a mixture of estrogen and progesterone typically increases the risk of:
Heart disease
Blood clots in the lungs and legs
Breast cancer

It has also been found that the mixture itself reduces the risk of:
Fractures caused by osteoporosis
Colon cancer.
Shows that have no effect on the risk of uterine cancer.

In light of these findings, women should discuss the matter with your doctor in detail and describe advantages and disadvantages of this type of treatments are particularly.

The risks of HRT over benefits in most cases. It is possible to use non-hormonal methods to substitute for HRT.

Plant estrogens estrogens and estrogen-like plant are found in grains, vegetables and beans, and some herbs. And may affect the body like a weak estrogen. And some may lower cholesterol level. And has not yet been established how "natural" effectiveness of these estrogens. At present continue to study some plant estrogens.

It is known that soy and wild potato and some herbs such as alkohosh black Dong kuai and Valerian root alleviates menopausal symptoms.

Ms. should tell their doctor if you decide to eat plenty of foods containing plant estrogens. Eating any foods or products sold without a prescription in order to take advantage of the drug can cause effects affecting other medications that your doctor advised.


The menopause and after menopause natural phases in a woman's life. The women's knowledge of these stages and how to act during which eases the difficulty of this transition period.

Best to discuss with your doctor decisions about dealing with menopause and HRT hormone. That any decision taken by women is not a final decision, as women can, indeed must, to review its decisions with your doctor every year during the annual inspection of the League.

Advances in medicine and public health that women are twice the age you were experiencing before thousand years! And more than one third of this age after menopause. Therefore constantly increasing the number of women who find in the post menopause stage of pride and discovering new pleasures in life!

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